Spotty period?

My period was due two days ago. On the day of my expected period I had light cramping on and off and no spotting. Today I had even lighter cramping and some red spotting when I wiped but it never got on my panty liner. I took a HTP and it was negative. I don't believe this is pregnancy related. At the beginning of my "fertile" week I had passed a kidney stone and was in massive amounts of pain. Could this have affected my ovulation and caused a spotty period? I also got a call from a nurse saying I had "atypical squamous cells" from my pap smear. Could that have had anything to do with it? Should I wait it out or call my doctor? Thanks.
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The best thing you can do is call your doctor immediately. It's their job to answer all your questions! The body is strange sometimes and does things for no particular reason. Talk to your doctor, but don't worry!