Unconfirmed Twins?


Backstory: I just had our son in February 2022 after 5 miscarriages, he was conceived through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. He was our last embryo and our miracle baby. I just stopped pumping and was waiting to get my period back. As we were told it was unlikely for us to conceive naturally we weren’t using any contraception.

Well we got pregnant, and are obviously thrilled. But because I haven’t had a period in years ( between <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>, pregnancy, and nursing/pumping) they got me in for an early scan. I believe I am between 4weeks5days to 5weeks1days based on when we could have conceived. The Ultrasound tech found two possible gestational sacs but couldn’t confidently tell us it was twins. She said one might be bleeding and not a sac at all. From what I see it looks just like what early twins looks like. There was nothing visible in the sacs which would be consistent with how early we are. But anyone else have a similar early scan and how did it turn out? We are trying not to get our hopes up. Even one healthy baby would be great. But now that we know it might be twins we love the idea. My HCG was 2,678 directly after the scan which is not particularly high but we just are hoping it at least doubles in 48 hours.