🚨Swollen cold sores, which will help? 🚨 I NEED ALL HELP I CAN GET PLEASE

Woke up and there was nothing then a few hour later, cold sores appear. Next day, my lips are swollen. It really bothers me and I need it gone please. I had another post but you all said to use abreva. I don’t have access to that right now and I can’t get it shipped, I’m not in the u.s. until a month later and these make me really insecure so I haven’t moved from my room since classes yesterday.

I did buy these products two days before when I first noticed. Which will help?


2 this is Spanish but basically it’s a treatment for small mouth sores but mostly canker sores I think. Which are inside the mouth but I have cold sore which are outside on the lips. Figured it might help?



5 lip sleeping mask


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