Can you ovulate later on a increased dosage of clomid?


First time I took clomid, I did the 50mg, took it on cycle days 5-9 and ovulated on cycle day 18 (got highs and positive opks on cd 16&17). So I did ovulate on my first round but did not get pregnant.

Since I did not get pregnant, my obgyn increased my dosage to 100mg and told me to take it cycle days 3-7 to try to cause a earlier ovulation. I am now on cycle day 15 and I have no signs of a positive opk or lh surge. Also, I went in for a follicle scan on cd 13 and I had only one dominant follicle and it was about a 11mm (doc said it should be bigger than this at this point).

Is it possible to go up a dosage on clomid but ovulate later or around the same time as the lower dosage? Kinda of disappointed that its not making me ovulate sooner. Already feeling like this cycle is a failure. Maybe I’ll try letrozole next cycle.