Pro’s & Con’s INDUCTION

A little back story. My husband works 20 days on, 10 days off, 6.5 hours away from our home. He got off early this hitch, because of a mix up with some scheduling, and he chose to come home, in case we had baby early (like our first was)

Well he is now home until the 28, today is my due date, and we can’t afford for him to take more time off after the 28.

Today marks my official due date, and we have zero signs that baby is making her way out.

My last appointment I was 3cm dilated - and my cervix was still a little ripe, but getting better. Baby is in position to move, and is sitting on my cervix, but I am still having zero signs of labor.

We’ve tried; sex - spicy foods - nipple stimulation & breast pump regimen - dates - raspberry leafy tea - primrose oil. {My midwife is very against castor oil unless I reach 42 weeks}

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