Tummy time help ? I’m desperate

My daughter is just over 3 months and tummy time has been a nightmare since day one. She has always been a very colicky, fussy, needy velcro baby, she’s starting to get better but for a long time, she NEVER wanted to be set down. Wouldnt let me show her toys, books, talk/sing to her, etc. If you laid her down she would just scream and cry, til no more sound or air came out and she was damn near purple in the face. She’s screamed til she’s thrown up numerous times. And that’s just setting her on her back. With tummy time, the SECOND she was even almost on her belly, the intense screaming and crying would start. We’ve gotten to a point now where she’ll tolerate maybe 2-3 minutes before screaming. Her longest stretch ever has been 6 minutes. But she doesnt settle down easy once you pick her up. A lot of the time, tummy time will just set her off into a fit and she’ll scream for as much as an hour and a half. And once she’s screaming, she stops participating. She wont lift her head or push up or anything. As soon as she’s upset, she gives up and just screams face down in the floor. So i cant even just sit and let her cry while she does it, because shes not even doing anything to benefit. She’s not working her muscles or moving around, she’s just laying there screaming. So now here we are at 3+ months old and we barely do tummy time. She’s supposed to have like an hour a day and she has never once in her life had that. There’s not enough time in the day to get an hour of tummy time in if i have to spend 1.5hrs comforting her after every 2 minutes of it. And it’s just me with her the majority of the time, i dont have the sanity to knowingly set her up to scream and cry for so much of the day, when shes already not a super happy baby. When she’s in a bad mood she wont do it, and when she’s in a good mood, i absolutely dread doing it because i know her mood will be ruined for potentially the rest of the day. I feel like a horrible mom for not doing something that i know is so important for her development, but i just dont know what to do. She doesnt do any better doing tummy time on me. She tolerates it SLIGHTLY longer if she’s propped up on a boppy, but only slightly. I spend a lot of time carrying her upright facing out, so that she has to work to support her head herself. She has good head support, and i have several pictures/videos of her during tummy time holding herself up super well, so i know she’s capable, she just refuses to do it. She can roll all the way over onto her side, and seems pretty close to rolling from back to stomach, so i know she is developing those muscles. But with how much tummy time is stressed as being important, i feel terrible for not doing it more. I just dont know what to do. I’m scared we’re going to go to her 4 month appointment in a few weeks and just get scolded for not doing it, for her not meeting milestones, etc. I’m trying so hard but it feels so hopeless.