any advice please!


i’m just looking for advice on what i should do..

me and my fiancée have been ttc for baby #1 since may, i got my iud out that month, the paragard, no hormone iud. i had periods with the iud but since i got it out i haven’t had a regular period without being on provera or using birth control pills to have a period. my obgyn knows that i’ve been ttc and absolutelt refuses to help me until i lose weight. i’m 295 pounds and she said i need to lose atleast 60 pounds to be able to be put on letrozole, clomid or femara. at our last appointment i asked about my period and how i haven’t had a regular one and she just put in a prescription for provera and said , if you don’t have a period in three months, use the provera, i’ll see you in six months. i feel like i have no help, i understand about my weight but plenty of women around me have been overweight and had healthy pregnancies. i started this journey at 320 and i am now down thirty pounds, im proud of myself, but i can’t help but get stressed & feel hopeless. thanks so much.

also side note my obgyn says that the paragard iud had nothing to do with my sudden loss of a period and that it doesn’t correlate with anything.