Due date confusion


Soo I took a few tests that have faint lines (8-12dpo)and I am 3 days late on period, waiting till 15dpo to take another test as my period would have being over by then. I am 13dpo now.

If the case of it being real and I actually am. I just want some help to understand.

Soo I got my mirena out 29th Sep, I bleed for a few days then had my normal period on the 20th which was when it was due (i have a 28/29 day cycle), i then got my peak on CD19 and ovulated that night was confirmed by cramps and stuff.

My question is, when i calculate the due date from my last period its the 27th July 23 which makes me 4 weeks 6 days but if i calculate from conception its 31 July 23 which makes me 3 weeks 6 days. My test result would make more sense for 3+6 weeks but does anyone understand?