Best cheapie tests


Hello ladies! It's been a while since my last baby and we have started to try for baby #3. I'm just unsure wheather I should OPK or not, with our first baby, it was planned it was 2 years of trying and taking OPK's, BBT etc.. second baby came from one tiny leak in the condom, completly unplanned. As of now, my health has changed for worse, I have PCOS, lost one ovary due to cyst rupture and I have been diagnosed with endometriosis.. I was on Depo provera a long time, but stopped the injections little less than a year ago, as we were planning on TTC around this time. Would you go in with OPKS? Or would you try without anything first? We started only this month, we haven't been very serious, just enjoying it and not counting days.. If you would buy OPK cheapies, which brand would you reccomend? I did one step with my first and it was a bit of a struggle with result readig 😄 thank you ladies who read, thank you for any advice and answers. Have a great day, lovelies! ❤

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