What to wear to 10 year reunion

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I dont have pictures sorry. Maybe ill add another post later.

Tevhnically I didn't graduate with this class but I was invited because I went to school all the years except the last 2 years in high school.

They said "wear whatever you want, just be comfortable" but ive done a lot of vintage dress so I probably have a different idea of "comfortable" than a lot of people. I do dress more casually now but im often overdressed. I dont want my attempt to be casual to be too casual, you know?

OPTION1: colored denim (not ripped) with a graphic t-shirt and a blazer

OPTION2: black denim with a nice blouse and a cardigan

OPTION 3: a nice day dress with a cardigan or jacket

OPTION4: a nicer fit and flare dress that I also find comfortable in.

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