Am I overreacting?


So my boyfriend and i have been dating for about 5 months and we talked for a year before that. Yesterday I realized that my bf doesn’t show me any other emotion but happiness if that makes sense. When he’s upset w work or angry about school, he calls his friends (female) and tells them about it instead of me which makes me very sad. When I talked to him about it he just told me that I shouldn’t look at it like that but I can’t really help it. Like I hate the fact that I don’t even know when my bf is mad but his friends does. My bf is from Cameroon originally and he speaks French to his friends which I don’t. Don’t get my wrong, I totally understand that we will never fully relate 100% on stuff because of that but I still try to make him feel as comfortable w me and my family (who accepted him w open arms) as possible. But I just can’t help but feel really weird about that. I want to tell him that we should just take a break to make sure we’re not moving too fast for him or anything but I also don’t want it to sound like I’m pressuring him to open up to me when clearly he doesn’t want to. What do you guys think I should do?