Chart help/5dpo-6dpo


Okay, Glowers. I need guidance. Yesterday was 5dpo and I was down bad…vomiting all day(from 630a-500p), cramping on my left side, migraine, and spotting, it started off light pink then it got super dark I’ll put the picture below. The reason I need guidance is because I know implantation doesn’t happen until 6-12 dpo. And now 6dpo no spotting, no cramping, just dull pulling feeling again on the left side and a lingering headache because I was vomiting all day yesterday. I know this is a lot. Also, I know this isn’t my obgyn. Just wondering if anyone has had this happen with a chart similar to mine and does my chart look okay? If I was getting ready to start my period I would have had a drop I always have a drop a day before my period starts…

TTC- 8-9months

🦃HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE 🦃 Wishing BFPs to all who are TTC!!