question ?

So with my first son I had a super easy pregnancy. Never had Braxton hicks and the only way I knew something was going on was feeling pressure down below and that’s when I went to go get checked out and found out I was 5cm.

So with this new pregnancy I have had Braxton hicks since like 24 weeks. I’m 32 weeks now. They come every day like 5 or more times. Well since last night I been feeling period cramps.

Is that contractions? It only has happened twice but they last about a minute long. When I say my first was super easy I mean SUPER. Labor and everything was amazing. This second pregnancy tho has been kicking my ass haha.

So with my first I was dialated 2cm at 34 weeks but they gave me that shot and I ended up having him at 37. Is it possible I may have this one early ? They haven’t checked me to see if I dilated or anything so idk if I am.