When did you feel movement?


Hi ladies,

I’m 17+1 today. I have to admit I am worrying myself a bit obsessively as I haven’t felt anything directly correlated to baby specifically yet. Around 14 weeks I felt some flutters and teeny pulses but that could have possibly been gas? Now, at 17+1, I will feel a twinge here and there, or a single butterfly here or there, but nothing I can confidently say “that’s baby!!” This is my 3rd pregnancy but my first to make it past the 1st trimester so I’m a bit of a nervy nelly. Whenever I use my Doppler (yes my doctor said it was fine in moderation and I know how to listen for HB) his HB is strong and my 16 week apt last week was fine. I am just curious if/when others felt movement as my friends are all saying 14,15,16 weeks etc.