Virtual Baby Shower Ideas?


My husband and I live pretty far from our families.

All of his family is out of state and scattered between three states. Most of my family live out of state in the same state. Our parents both probably could travel to us for a shower, but the rest of our families probably could not.

We have decided that we are going to do a virtual baby shower for each side of the family. So, one for his side and one for mine. We chose to split it because we both have big families and trying to manage that many people on a Zoom call just seems like a lot.

Do any of yall have any ideas for activities we could do virtually during the shower? We want it to be interactive and fun for people who choose to attend.

We aren't telling people the sex of our baby before it is born, so we don't want to do anything super gendered. And we would like everyone to feel welcome and comfortable participating regardless of their own gender. I know, typically, baby showers are mostly attended by women, but we would like other folks to feel invited and welcome too.