Does life ever get any better?


I know I’m supposed to have faith for better things but life has been sucking more lately than it ever has in my entire life. For starters I have a job, so don’t come to the conclusion that I’m sitting on my butt doing nothing to get out of this situation. My mother has been a narcissistic abuser all of my life and recently studying psychology I pretty much read all of her characteristics align with a narcissist. My dad is zonked out depressed and stares at a tv all day. I met my fiancé three years ago and he has done good things for me but is so materialistic and doesn’t realize how good he has it. His mom is into dark things. My car is on its last limbs making all kinds of noise. I’m trying to save up money to move out. My health is in worsening condition. I just want to have kids of my own and have endometriosis. I’m taking birth control right now to keep it from growing. (If you have birth control recommendations for endo I would greatly appreciate it) Me and my fiancé started going to church and we saw a lot of red flags on how we were being treated. Fast forward my fiancé is working two jobs now and doesn’t have time to go to church. Would work more hours at work as I enjoy keeping my mind preoccupied off of things that bother me and drive me crazy my job won’t let me work extra hours. I haven’t been told or explained to why. I hate staying at home with my parents especially when he is at work because my parents won’t leave me alone nonstop doing things that they know get under my skin. My mother likes to act like she is gods gift to the world but curtains closed she is evil and controlling. I’m 23 she tracks my every location and calls and tells me exactly where I’m at. I really want to be stoked about good things that are happening in both of our lives but it feels like when things start going good something ironically happens to ruin that for us. What would you recommend to get better control over our lives?