Hcg levels rising okay?

Brittany • Just a mommy

First hcg draw on November 21st 13087

Second hcg draw on November 23rd 16475

(40 hours difference)

My doctor is really happy with this

I’m 5 weeks 6 days today on November 28th

I go to have a transvaginal ultrasound on the 30th

The reason she was testing my hcg was because my gestational sac was empty 2 weeks in a row.

Over turkey weekend at a private scan over the belly saw the yolk sac and embryo.

I have absolutely no signs of miscarriage and very strong pregnancy symptoms! Especially twinges!

My doctor said because of the measurements she took before hand she didn’t believe I was miscarrying or had a bad pregnancy. She truly thinks I ovulated 2 weeks late. She checked the hcg to be double sure my levels were rising and not declining.