Know it all friend constantly correcting me

I moved to a new city last year and I met Anna in a mom’s group. Our kids have become super close and best friends. I like Anna enough but she is the biggest fucking know it all I think I’ve ever met and I’m starting to question if I want to continue a friendship with her. I can’t really say anything without her correcting me in some way. Yesterday we were at the park letting our kids play and I pointed out this giant oak that was turning a beautiful color. She goes *laughing* “actually Rebecca that’s a Northern red oak.” I was like “okay…it’s still an oak.” She just had this smirk on her face like I was an idiot for not knowing the exact type of oak it was. Another time I can remember is we were at Target and we stopped to get Starbucks. I ordered an iced chai latte and said “venti iced chai tea with almond milk please” to the barista. Again she snickers and was like “you don’t have to said chai tea. Chai is Indian for tea. What you’re saying is “tea tea”.” The barista looked at her like “wtf is wrong with you” lol. But I was so annoyed, like, was that really necessary to correct me in front of everyone? It’s little things like that where she constantly corrects me like I’m stupid. I’m always so taken aback I never know what to say in the moment either. Wwyd?! 😵‍💫