Two Surges… Can I still get a positive if I BD within 24 hours.


I had a miscarriage in August that resulted in DNC September 1st because it wouldn’t leave my body. Ever since then, for three cycles now my body has had two separate days with a Clearblue peak opk days apart. When I get a peak opk I know before I even take them because I get severe bloating.

My BBT was rising after the first one and my husband and I BD’d three days in a row during high and peak readings, only to take two days off thinking I had ovulated. This morning I had a big drop in temp, and severe bloating so I tested and of course it was peak on Clearblue digital again. I plan on BDing tonight. Will I have missed it if I got peak on a downward trend? Or would ovulation most likely occur tomorrow?

Please tell me there is someone out there who has gotten a positive HPT in this situation. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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