worried about pregnancy


i posted in here a couple days ago mentioning how I was really worried I was pregnant after a sexual assault experience. My period is supposed to start tomorrow and i am really worried about what to do if it doesn’t come. I apologize if this upsets anyone struggling to get pregnant but i am only 16 and not ready for a child. I’ve had some symptoms (lower back aches, cramping, headaches, excessive urination, ext.) I’m not on birth control because of my religious family and he didn’t wear a condom. He pulled out but said he was worried he didn’t pull out fast enough. I may have fallen into the traps of googling myself crazy into thinking i am pregnant but i can’t even test to confirm or deny my suspicions because again my family controls the things I do. my ovulation stopped the 18th according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> but on another tracking app it says it stopped on the 19th which is when it happened. Any advice on how to calm myself or even induce a period? Again I hope i’m not making anyone uncomfortable or offended at all I just hope to get some answers.

(side note,, on the other post some people told me I need to report him but I just can’t and I would really appreciate if that wasn’t mentioned it’s kind of a sore subject)