WARNING miscarriage at 5 weeks?


Hello, i found out i was pregnant around November 19th, i started bleeding November 22, it was brown at first and progressed as time, I went to the er the next day they took my Hcg levels and they were 75, they also did an ultrasound on my stomach and said they didn’t see anything, so they ruled it as a possible threatened miscarriage and said to come back 2 days later, i went home i was still bleeding, not too much but an unusual amount, i went to Walmart the next day and was having horrible cramps almost like a bad period,I came home then passed this clot, i was passing clots at the er but not like this one, i went back to the er the next day for my follow up, My hcg levels only went up to 99, but didn’t double at all like they’re supposed to in 48 hours, the dr said he didn’t feel the need to do another ultrasound, not sure why but he said he’s still unsure so he’s gonna rule it as a threatened miscarriage, i showed him the clot he said it did look like the embryo but couldn’t be for sure, i went home still bleeding not knowing exactly what’s happening, the cramps went away after i passed the clot, the bleeding just became spotting, ( 7 days since i went to the er) has anyone experienced this or can give me they’re opinion? i’m lost.