I feel like the community therapist

I am not cocky at all but one thing I do pride myself with is giving really good advice and being there for people! That’s kind of just who I am. I’ve been through ALOT and I’m really good at reading people and situations and knowing what’s going on from an outsiders POV. That’s just something in really really good with and it’s never failed me once my opinion! So when I have “ friends “ everyone always is telling me their issues and me being me in there for you, whenever. But it’s like anytime I want to talk about my issues going on with someone i NEVER get anything back. My close friend from now 6 years I’ve re evaluated our friend ship and the only time she really messaged me is when she needs to vent. Looking back that’s how it mostly is! Or if she wanted me to go out with her or do this for her.

Sometimes I over look it because that’s my close friend and ID love to help her with whatever but other then that she doesn’t reach out and if I do it’s so bland. And it makes me so sad.

My other girl friend is the same way, only times she talks to me is to vent and get advice, when I’ve tried reaching out for advice she is so short or doesn’t seem interested or barely says anything. Same with this other girl same exact way. So I just quit having “ girl friends “ for this reason. Which is why I don’t have any.

What really opened my eyes and had me re evaluating everyone in my life as friends was I had this co worked last year that I’ve kept on socials etc. I loved working with her but it was all about work and venting work. She doesn’t reach out to me at all since she quit our job. She recently did when her bf broke up with her, so me being the caring person I am I was there in a heart beat. I went to her house at 6pm, not expecting to be there long it turned into her venting for 8 HOURS!!!!!! I went home around 3am. Keep in mind I didn’t have my kids that weekend they were at grandmas and I really cherish my time to myself so me doing that ID expect at least message from her to keep in touch? Nope it’s been now 4 weeks and she hasn’t once tried reaching out. Matter in fact I reached out and said “ hope your doing well!” All she said was “ thanks “ lol. Like girl? 😭

I could go on and on with the same situations and anytime I ever need that person for advice or to vent to everyone isn’t there for me, but always need me for it. And I can’t do it anymore. I want a friendship where it’s 50/50. Your there for me I’m there for you. At this point I feel like the community therapist and I’m tired of it. Is this normal with friendships?! I give so much to people. I think it’s my downfall?! I’m getting older. I got 3 kids a stay at home mom I got a lot on my plate. I just want ONE friend to treat me like I’m something then an ear for them to talk about their issues. Anyone else feel this way?