
Hi ladies,

I’d like to apologize for the essay in advance lol

So my husband and I officially started trying to get pregnant in September of 2021, using LH strips, checking bbt, taking prenatal’s, the works. I went off birth control in May of 2021, we weren’t “trying” but we weren’t preventing. After a few months of negatives we finally got a positive in February 2022, we were thrilled, but unfortunately it ended in a chemical. We continued to try with no luck, so I went to my OBGYN in October, had blood work done to check my levels everything was good, got a sonogram to check my uterus, again everything good. So he gave my husband a script for a semen analysis and me a script for an HSG test. My Dr finally called me yesterday with the results my test was good no blockages or anything, but my husbands test showed that his count is good but he has slow sperm mobility.

My point to this long ass story is has anyone else’s husband had this issue and was there anything he may have taken that helped ? Thanks in advanced ☺️