I need this second chance!


So I was with my ex at the time we were living together and things were ok I guess. But then he showed his true colors and was mentally abusive, would go out all the time get drunk and would try to rape me when he would come home. He was selfish and a man child. I started looking up how to get out of the lease so I could leave him but then I got really sick. I couldn’t keep anything down and I got severely dehydrated to the point I begged him to take me to the ER. He finally did and it turns out I was pregnant. I hate to say this but I was devastated. How could I be pregnant with a man like this, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. So we tried to make it work. He was kind of nice I guess but that’s just because I was the vessel carrying his child. Friends and family were crappy through my pregnancy my boss made me cry all the time threatening my job. And I was sick all 9 months. Needless to say I became a single mom when my baby was just 3 months old. The father is involved and we co parent fine now. My son is a happy healthy 8 year old boy that I love with everything in me! I am now in a great relationship with the best guy ever. It’s him my son and I in our house with a great family life. I want a second chance at being pregnant. Without all the vitriol and feeling like just the vessel. I want it to be my choice I want to experience it with someone I love. So all I’m asking is that god gives me a second chance. Just one more baby for me so I can love every minute of it and see what it feels like to be happily pregnant.