Baby Sophie


Sophie Briella is due in early January, it’s seeming that she may be here sooner though. Due to our moving situation we haven’t got everything for her yet. we’re not very picky, the items that are put on here is what what we haven’t been able to get any of yet. I’m only making this because we could really use the help right now. I also have a son and being that we had to completely start over with everything besides beds and clothes we are worried that we won’t be able to get everything that she will need by the time she gets here. I am currently unavailable to work and since I’m already beginning to have labor contractions I am not longer babysitting and that was my only way of income since no one would hire me pregnant, I tried for months. so my fiancé is the only one that’s bringing income in at the moment. we’re truly grateful for anything for her and all items that we receive for her will be donated to another family in need once she no longer uses them.