Help idk what happened

Mama Constantine

Ok so been TTC for 5 cycles tracking for 3 first 2 my peak came the day before my period. Finally had a normal cycle on day 17. Apps + tracking forecasted yesterday as O day and the end of my window. We were home ab to BD when out of nowhere I had violent diarrhea (we had nachos and I had 2 margaritas 6 hours earlier at a nice place) with a single spot of blood (from my vag) I thought I would be fine but then I had the most intense menstrual cramps I’ve ever experienced. I was writhing in pain with a heating pad over my stomach until I passed out. I know the food definitely contributed but I usually drink way more to loosen up for O day. Has this happened to anyone else ? Including results if anyone can piece together what happened/ share experiences/ tell me if I might still be fertile today I’m all ears and super grateful 🙏