Recurrent Pregnancy loss is one of the hardest things!

It's been a tough year or so for our TTC journey. We had a miscarriage back in October 2021 at 17w, I had to go in for medical management. Another miscarriage in March this year at 13w, again had medical management. We had a miscarriage in July at 6 weeks. We had been discussing if we should try again or just leave our hope for a baby in the past. We recently found out we were pregnant again, we were trying to be happy and not sadden the experience with the losses that we have had, the hospital had put me on progesterone and baby asprin which gave us a little bit of hope. I had a little bit of spotting/bleeding and went in for a scan, they saw the baby and said everything was fine, and have another booked in on Monday. This morning at 7w2d I got up to use the bathroom and the gestational sac came out into the toilet.

I am beyond devasted and can't even see a way forward anymore. My husband is amazingly supportive and he is as destroyed as I am by our losses. But somehow these experiences affect our marriage, I feel like I always let him down and I just don't understand what is happening. We've had testing done and everything is normal.

Sorry, I don't really have a question, I just needed to get it all out, I don't have any family or even friends to talk to.