is it wrong that my bf did this? UPDATE: we broke up!

I wrote this post below but have an update.

He just sent me a text to leave him alone. and said Bye:

I tried calling. he picked up and he hung up on me right away.

I guess this is it. thanks for tuning in. I am very sad bc all I did was support and encourage him. I would spend late nights talking to him on the phone to encourage, or drive to his work (even when it was out of my way and took me 30 min to get there) to buy him food when he said he was depressed to the point where he didnt eat that much. byt he would always shut me down like this on phone calls and via text. I said the mean stuff in my last post because I had the final straw because I am tired and drained from being mistreated like this everytime he goes through depression. my health is not doing so good taking care of him and his mental health. I haven't slept much in 3 months supporting him emotionally. pls be nice because you do not know what lengths I went through to serve and demonstrate love towards him. I put him and his family before myself. I would stay up night after night when I had work the next day to call his mom everytime he tried to commit suicide.

pls pray for your girl here she's crying from heartbreak. I guess that's it. thanks again for tuning in