Hi guys ! I need some advice I’m sorry it’s such a long story but you need background
So, there was this guy and we have mutual friends and we ended up speaking and he ended up kissing me. So we kept it private but we were still sleeping at eachother and fooling around but we never had sex. So for the first month or so, he would still bring up other girls and tell me I’m not his type and all of that. But me being me, I kept giving him more chances and pretended I never cared. Then we went on holiday all together with our friends for a weekend before the summer when we all would go home for 3 months. During this time, the one night we ended up making out but I caught him grab a condom to use with another girl and I just said I’m not stupid I know it’s a condom and he said yeah “I wanna fuck bitches”, so I left it and enjoyed my night and just pretended I didn’t care. During the summer, I hardly replied to him even though he reached out almost everyday, I wouldn’t even open the messages or take days to reply. He then told me he missed me and all the friends and that. When we got back, he asked to chill and I opened up to him and I told him I felt very disrespected and used. He told me he never slept with anyone then and he was just stupid. He then apologized and we ended back to where we were. Then things changed for the better. He was showing a lot of care towards me as I would to him and he would sleep over and do all the cute shit that all girls love. He would actively try and see me but we never went out on dates alone or had a meal together even. We would just chill and laugh and chat and eventually after 6 months, we slept together on my terms and when I was ready as well. Anyways, things were great, we even set rules for the friends with benefits thing that was happening wnd I just asked for him to tell me if he was hooking up with someone else. I said I don’t care if you do but I don’t want to sleep with yiuv if you sleeping with multiple people. Anyways, there were moments where I was in my own head about a lot of shit and thought it was going badly but this is because I developed feelings for him and I was questioning if he felt the same.
Fast forward to this past week, he is being weird and not trying to see me or anything but talking to me a lot more than usual and saying that in such a genuine friend and I mean so much to him. I knew something was up so I text him asking like what’s up why haven’t I seen you and he says once shit is clear on his side he will let me know. he is just very confused. But I mean so much to him and he doesn’t want to lose me. I ask what was up and he said there is a girl that is into him and they’ve been talking for barely a week. So I made it clear and said listen, if you’re trying to choose between me and another girl, choose her. I refuse to be an option. Anyways we decided to chat in person and he said he’s never cared for any other girl the way he does for me and all I f that and he doesn’t want yo lose our friendship. I end up laying all the cards on the table and tell him I have feelings for him. He said things were different with me and I wasn’t just a frjends with benefits and he had feelings for me too. But I’m confused because he still chose to be friends with me and he has been speaking to this girl for a week and he’s confused about what he wants but his whole head has been turned over a weeks conversation. I asked him about it and he just said he doesn’t know what he’s doing but he had to tell me cause it’s the right thing to do and he’s really confused but he hasn’t even kissed this girl and nothing has happened. He also said that this girl is a virgin and that he doesn’t want me to think that he’s ending it to sleep with someone else because she doesn’t sleep around. I made it clear that sleeping around isn’t something I personally do. I can only open that vulnerable side of me once I trust and have an emotional connection with that person. He said he respects that and that I’m such a good person and I do so much for him and he appreciates me so much and all of that.Then he said that’s he is heartless but not heartless for me and if he didn’t care for me he would have just ghosted me or something. I ended up saying I am not gonna try convince you otherwise and I hope it works out for you and her. He said he was gonna leave but ended up staying and hugging me for a solid 5 minutes and then he said he was going to leave and then ended up hugging me and holding me and kissing my cheeks and head and forehead and neck and that again and this went on for another 3 times before he left. And now we trying to be friends but it’s hard because there’s subtle playful flirting on his part that’s not just imaginative from my side. My friend picked it up not even knowing the situation. And I don’t know how to do this and how to handle this whole thing and I have feelings for him and he said he wanted to tell me sooner but I threw him off and he thought I didn’t have feelings for him because I said I don’t care if he’s with other people I just want to know and then this must end. And I said I wanted to tell him as well and before he started acting off, I told him I wanted to chat with him and we never got to it. I asked if anything. Would have changed if I told him how I felt and he said we could have seen what we wanted to do with that or ended it sooner but he probably wouldn’t have looked at other girls in any way if he knew . I sent him a message after he left saying if you have taken anything from tonight it’s that I have feelings for you and care for you. Do with that what you want. And he responded saying he understood that. What response is that ? Do you think he just said he had feelings for me cause he panicked and felt bad ? What do I even do in this situation? How is it that we admitted we liked eachither but it’s done now ? And I asked if he liked this other girl and he literally said he didn’t know and is so confused and has no answers for me right now but he can’t sleep here and text her good morning while waking up next to me. I don’t know what to do. Advice please !
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