FTM worried about constipation- please help


The Friday before last I took my 6 week old to his pediatrician because I was worried about his belly button and the left side of his abdomen was bigger than the right so I wanted to know if everything was okay. As for the belly button he had an umbilical hernia that should eventually correct itself, but for the swollen abdomen the doctor sent us to get an xray. On Monday I found out it was constipation and he was prescribed 2.5 ml of constulose 2x per day and i was told to call them back with an update in a week. So on Friday I called with an update: his bowel movements went from about 5-10x each day to about 3-5x each day (he's mostly fed breastmilk, but it is supplemented with similac total 360 care sensitive) I told them he strains and cries a lot when he trying to have a bm. They upped his dosage to 5ml 2x per day and want another update on Thursday. In the meantime I'm freaking out. I don't understand how his issue could be constipation when he's been pooping mushy the whole time or how his number of bms is decreasing since we started giving him the constulose- yesterday he only had 1, and I'm just ready for my little guy to get some relief. He wakes up every morning fussing, grunting, red faced and crying and it continues frequently throughout the day. I've tried warm baths, tummy rubs, bicycles...my mom says to put prune juice in his bottle, my brother says Karo syrup and I've read on here the fridababy windy works wonders, but Im nervous to do anything on top of the medicine he's already taking. I'm also wondering if something in my diet needs to change or if I need to switch his formula, maybe to soy-based- I'll ask on thursday but until then if anyone has any insight, please help me, I'm in tears.