Trying to conceive with PCOS


Hi guys! So I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and I’m 19. For the past couple of weeks, I have felt every pregnancy symptom in the book. Nausea but no vomiting, lower abdomen and back pains, frequent urination, headache, exhaustion, bloating, loss of appetite, very light brown spotting about 2.5 weeks ago, constipation, heartburn, you name it. I am now 3 days late on my period, which is very normal for me. I had my last period on November 1st and it lasted 8 days. Prior to that, no period since March 6th. Anyways, I have taken multiple pregnancy tests over the past 2 weeks and all have said negative, but my symptoms are still very much there. Is there any way I could be pregnant and just not producing enough hCG right now? Has anyone had anything similar? I’m just going through an emotional rollercoaster because I can’t tell if I’m pregnant or if my PCOS is playing tricks on me!


If I were to be pregnant, I should be a little over 5 weeks. I believe the pregnancy tests would come up positive at this point, but it doesn’t seem reassuring right now. Just trying to hold on to hope!