Am I sick? Or just exhaustion?

We have had a rough month. Since Halloween my household has been sick. Started with my daughter then my husband and son and then me then my daughter again and then my son again. I’m a SAHM and I do all the night wakings and obviously there’s been a lot of sleepless nights and fussy days. Everyone is finally doing better and I have been feeling so incredibly exhausted this past week. I’m sleeping so hard I wake up feeling heavy and shaking and I am struggling massively with getting up I just want to keep sleeping. I’m also trying to take naps because I’m so tired I feel like I really need it which I don’t normally do. My sinuses hurt and my chest feels kind of tight like I’m sick but it’s not super obvious. Sometimes my sinuses hurt from allergies so it’s hard to tell but this exhaustion added with sometimes my mucus being green makes me wonder if I need to be going in for antibiotics. My dr office is two week wait for an appointment and I really don’t want to go to urgent care and pay extra copay and be exposed to all the awful viruses going around if I don’t need to. I need outside opinions.