Late Period and Negative Test

Hi everyone, I just wanted to create a post for some sort of insight because I'm losing my mind with all of this. 😩 Last week I was randomly nauseous (four about 4 days before period due) I was mainly just gagging 🤷‍♀️ it went away and I started to get cramping a small bit, but mainly lower back and leg pain. I assumed my period was coming but never did? I was supposed to get my period 3 days ago and haven't and have had 2 negative tests. I am still having the lower back pain. Cramps come but then they go! Today at work I suddenly felt like I was on a rollercoaster going upside down..? I don't know if that's vertigo? I had to sit down and eat immediately. I have no idea what's going on with me but it's making me nervous 😩 Any insight of any kind would be greatly appreciated.

Update: Now 5 days late and still nothing other than the lower back and hip pain, it's sometimes hurting in my legs. Took a Walmart cheapie today and it looks negative to me. I wish I would just get my period already 🤦 Has this happened to anyone else and when should I call my Dr? Thank you!

Also, I've only taken $1 tests and Walmart 88 cent but I heard they are very accurate?