Just need some advice and positive words

Hi. I have been struggling lately. Life has been extremely busy and we have had some major events like first time seeing Santa and first birthday pictures. I cried after both because they went horribly. I am most upset about my sons first birthday photos. I planned for weeks. Found the perfect outfit. Perfect cake. Photographer set it up beautifully. And he cried. The entire time. I paid $200 for him to cry. I won’t have the pictures back for 3 weeks and she is booked out until January well after he turns one. His outfit barely even fits him now. I am just devastated and can’t stop thinking about it. She just doesn’t seem willing to redo. Could all of this still be post partum anxiety and or depression 11 months in. I constantly feel like the world is crashing down on me. Every time I turn around it’s something else. I am

Not handling disappointment well either. I am currently in counseling. Just need some other mamas to talk me down because I am a hot mess these days. I feel like I am failing as a mom 😩