What would you do?

My older sister has 2 kiddos. I have 1 and my son is the youngest. My sister sent me a video today of my nephews in the car and 2 things stuck out like sore thumbs. #1 she had their thick winter coats on under the straps of the car seat and #2 she has moved my 21 month old nephew to forward facing. He is the same weight as my 12 month old so I know for a fact that he hasn’t maxed out the weight and height requirements for rear facing and in my province it is highly recommended to wait until at least 24 months to forward face. Would you say something or leave it? I know she would be annoyed if I said something because I’m younger and have a younger child and less experience being a mom than her. But I would also hate for

Something to happen to my nephews and I didn’t speak up. What would you do?

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