Sneak peek wrong?

Yasmin • Boy #1: 09/2017 Boy #2: 06/2023 Boy #3: 12/2024

Has anyone taken the sneak peek test and it turned out to be wrong? I took it a couple of weeks ago and got results a few days bc so saying it was a boy. I didn’t tell my bf bc I’m pretty disappointed and I wanted to work through that first. I didn’t think we’d be finding out gender from our doc until the anatomy scan, which is still 9 weeks away. BUT, at my appt yesterday, she said we’re doing the NIPT test with a blood draw instead of with a 12 week scan bc it’s more accurate, and with that genetic testing will come the gender. Which means we’ll be finding out in less than 2 weeks what the gender of our baby is. (I’m 10w6d currently.)

I’m wondering if it’s still at all possible that it’s a girl and sneak peek just got it wrong.

I will of course love this baby SOOO much no matter what. But it was really hard getting pregnant this time, this is our rainbow baby, and I already have a son. So if this happens to be the last baby I can have, I really want a daughter.