Sex Headaches

Chloe • Girl mama Dec ‘19 💞 and Due with Girl #2 in Oct ‘22

I’m 8 weeks postpartum and my husband and I had sex at the 6 week mark for the first time since I had my daughter. During an orgasm, I immediately felt my head start pounding and had the worst headache immediately I’ve almost ever had. I took some ibuprofen and it went away over night but it was awful enough for me to mention it to my OBGYN at my first postpartum appt the following week. She said it could be due to lack of sleep or stress but didn’t seem concerned. Fast forward 2 weeks, I’m brave enough again to try sex. Instantly get the pounding headache again that this time lasted at least an hour afterwards. I made an appointment with a Primary Care Physician but it’s months out. Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this after birth? Did anything help resolve the issue? I’ve never experienced it before now and it’s almost debilitating when it happens.