I’m exhausted from TTC.


I’m 10dpo. I’m getting nothing but a negative result on my pregnancy tests. I did CD21 progesterone lab work, and it showed 25.4, which means I ovulated. That was the highest level I’ve ever gotten. I do have a blocked right Fallopian tube, so I know it’ll take me longer to get pregnant. But I’m just feeling down and it’s hard not to want to test every day. 😔

It took me 3 years and 9 months to conceive my daughter. I had her in August 2020. I got my Paragard (non-hormonal) IUD taken out 4/11/22 and we’ve been trying ever since. I just did my 3rd round of Clomid this month. I have no signs or symptoms either.

Did anyone get a positive pregnancy test any day after 10dpo?