Ttc with endo after miscarriage

SJ • 29, married, stage one endo & hubby low morphology. TTC 2 years. One m/c at 11w5d. Currently pregnant and due March.
Hi ladies,
I was diagnosed with stage one endo via laparoscopy ten years ago.
My husband and I tried to conceive for 14 months (he also has low morphology), and unfortunately I just had a missed miscarriage (miscarried at 11w5d but baby had died between 8.5-9 weeks).  It was my first and only pregnancy.  
I was wondering if any of you ladies have any advice on conceiving naturally with endometriosis after a miscarriage?  I am currently taking a prenatal vitamin, l-lysine, acidophilus on occasion, 1000mg/daily of Bee Propolis and am considering adding CoQ10 and Omega fish oils.  I am so scared we won't be able to conceive naturally again.  Thank you ladies!