Just need to rant 😡

I have been at my job almost a year, it’s a healthcare agency. Well I’ve had problems with them paying me. So early December when payday rolled around and I didn’t get paid I was pissed, I still have yet to be paid but with me fighting with them to get my check, I contacted a lawyer and waiting for a response. But now they just fired me for no call no show but I did call off today because they still haven’t paid me. I didn’t just not show up, I called and emailed. So now I have no money or job 🙃 I’m behind on all of my bills because I haven’t been paid and I’m about to lose my car because I can’t pay it since I haven’t been paid. I’m at my breaking point. I don’t know what to do

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As long as you have record of contacting them about not working you are good. Don't lose that. Use it against them. Not getting paid for provided labor is a legitimate reason to not come to work. This happened with a teenager who worked at my old company. He was missing a check for $150...they kept saying it was worked out and he didn't get paid...he didn't show up to work and when our manager called him he said he wasn't going to work until they paid him. They ended up paying him for all of his shifts he missed during the time he was missing the previous check. This is a major company too. They made it right and then he quit because no one should ever make life that hard for you.


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Call your lender for your car loan, they may be able to defer payments while this is going on or for a period of time!