Blighted Ovum + MC at 5.5 wks


Hi all, wish I had happy news to share but not all stories are success stories. On 11/15 I had a perfect 5AA PGT-tested FET, my first. Initially I had low HCGs but they continued to double normally. Last week at my early 5.5 wk US they saw an empty sac measuring 5 wks and suspected blighted ovum but scheduled me a week later. That night I had strong cramping and bleeding w clots that resolved within a few hrs but I just knew I was miscarrying. Today on follow up US the sac is gone, confirming I miscarried last week. 😢 I’m devastated, this was the first time I’ve ever had a positive pregnancy test. I’m happy to see so many success stories on here. 💗 But for me, I’ll just keep wishing and waiting and hoping my day will come.