Issue with Fiancé

Every time I bring up a concern of any kind my fiancé starts flipping out… screaming, yelling slamming doors, cussing, calling me all kinds of dumb and stupid and says I like drama and starting fights.

We argue sooo much and it always ends in aggression and he blames me. Says I make him react the way that he does. Either I talk about my feelings at the wrong time or he feel like I’m being smart… either way all of his blow up’s are my fault apparently. I told him I was done with the relationship and I wanted him to leave and he flipped out even more. He stood over me screaming while our 3 month old cried and screamed as well. He says he’s not going anywhere. I want to call the cops so bad but I don’t want to get him in trouble, plus I know he doesn’t have anywhere to go (I basically take care of him) but I honestly can’t stand to be around him. Not sure what to do at this point…

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Posted at
You have to get yourself and your baby to safety. Honestly? Fuck your fiancé. He is very dangerous and you should not be concerned about what happens to him - only what happens to you and your baby. Find a shelter, catch up with any distant relatives or old friends or whatever. Just anyone you might be able to rely on.You need to get out ASAP!


Posted at
Be very careful, this sounds one step away from becoming violent. Theres no excuse for his behavior. Even if you legitimately did something to make him mad, that doesnt give him a free pass to be verbally abusive.


Mommaof4 • Dec 13, 2022
Yes, if thats their residence, even if it's your home/lease, they need to be evicted. You CAN put a lock on a bedroom door and hold onto the key to keep them out of that room. But you cant just kick them out.


Ki • Dec 13, 2022
Yes! It’s crazy. I’ve certainly seen some people getting taken advantage of & then they have to go through the entire eviction process


Weedah • Dec 13, 2022
@kim wow !


Posted at
You need to call the police, I know it can be scary but it will be even scarier when he decides to put his hands on you


Posted at
I would not be marrying this person. He sounds like a loose cannon. run.


Posted at
Just call the police. There’s nothing he will get in trouble for as it’s not illegal to yell at someone. They can stand by while he gathers his things and leaves. Depending on your state & his willingness to leave you may have to evict him. This sounds like it’s going to continue to escalate & turn physical. Don’t wait.


Posted at
The fuck is this 🤨 you are like at the easiest part… walk AWAY…. Before you’re legally attached to this prick… do you know how difficult it is to get divorced? You have to be legally separated first for a long time… then there’s the divorce which comes with a lot of money and exceptions. Breaking it off with your fiancé is just that. A break up.He’s toxic and horrible don’t marry this shit….


Posted at
Toxic people will always blame other’s for their abusive behaviour. They never take accountability for this actions/behaviour; they are always right, never wrong. Their misery/life being ruined is always other people’s fault. Etc etc etc. It’s not your fault, so I suggest you make a plan for yourself and child to get away safely. Before his verbal abuse becomes physical. Because it will escalate down the line. And as another commenter said, now is the best and easiest time to leave since you two aren’t involved legally. Marrying him is not a safe decision.


Posted at
You're in an abusive relationship


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You want this to be your marriage? If so, then proceed with marrying him. If not, then move on!


Posted at
He is extremely abusive, this relationship is so toxic. Please get out of this relationship ASAP