Is it METH!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!??

I think my boyfriend is doing meth but I don’t have (hard) evidence. Sometime in September he attacked me for a tiktok that I was watching. The guy tried to gauge my eyes out and we have never gotten physical like that before. He got arrested the next day for something unrelated but since then he never comes home and stay for more than a few hours like (1am -5am) and he is awake the whole time. Where I live there is a drug they call “Molly” which we all know it’s not real molly but no one knows for sure what it is so it could be anything. He admitted to having some in his sock and eating it when he went to jail after his sister called me and told me he has actually been smoking it. After that he stopped hiding the fact that he has been smoking it. I noticed that what he does is he crushes it and stuffs it in a cigarette and when it burns it smells like someone lit a piece of mint gum on fire with the foil still wrapped around it and the cigarette doesn’t turn into ashes it just turn’s completely black as he is smoking it. He is very VERY violent. He is extremely paranoid. Thinks his phone is tapped and that the feds are after him. Sometimes he sees a person in side of a car that is not there and always accusing me of cheating on him with this imaginary person. As of recently he feels like I’m stealing from him and trying to set him up, just because most of my cousins are men. No real reason, just the fact that I have a lot of men cousins. His thumbs are black, he doesn’t sleep, isn’t taking good care of his hygiene and has been telling the most ridiculous lies. Like I caught him on a dating app TWICE and we are both sitting there reading the messages. “That’s not me”, that’s what he said. “I didn’t text them”. I left him I’m just really worried.