Telling work I’m pregnant

I’m still early 4 weeks 3 days.

I am a wedding coordinator/ manager who is there from start to end of the wedding day of along with the office work.

There is no one under me to step in.

I’m terrified to tell work but I know the sooner the better so we can hire someone and I can train them asap.

But I also want work to know I will still be able to do the office work and willing to be there for the weddings (as long as I’m still feeling good) but I’ll be limited to running weddings since I’m usually running around on my feet for 10+hours.

We “close” from Jan-March and will start events back up mid March and I’m due august 21st (middle of wedding season)

I’m thinking of telling them after the new year. Any thoughts?

I also just started (literally started the day I found out I was pregnant) a bartending job for extra money during our off season so I may or may not really have to tell them since I will not be there for long (until March maybe April)