Something odd or just me ?

I just started a new Job the supervisor that had a saying in me getting hired Acts kind of different to me if I’m reading this right. During the interview I noticed her giving me like judge mental looks She was with the actual hiring manager she’s a supervisor so she has A say in me getting hired but I don’t think that she can actually hire me.

Before I started I had to complete some task and I noticed whenever I would email her with additional questions about the prehire task she just really wouldn’t respond Or barely. So when I actually started she trained me And I had some trainers. She told me her job was to make sure I succeed, so When I started on my own I still had some additional questions when I asked her She blew up on me saying you wasted all of my time You’re not paying attention are you a slow learner and then she said it’s a big deal that you were hired on my team in the first place. Mind you she’s borderline a stranger if not completely blowing up on me I’m new still learning . So at that point I just stop asking her questions and asked any other supervisors for help and she kind of just stop talking to me and I just went to other supervisors pretty much and I noticed that every time I would try to include myself or interact with my new group of coworkers she wouldn’t respond and she would just like ignore me and I was just thinking to myself It seems more personal more than job related because I’m new And questions are normal my coworkers literally have questions every single day we have a Group chat dedicated for questions specifically and for her to have a problem with me asking questions seems odd she blew up on me like asking questions was not normal at all and we have a group chat that is used every single day for questions and people have been there for years and still have daily questions. I don’t think I should trust a supervisor that acts like that over my paperwork and things like that and she could try to fire me or do something nasty to me I just don’t get anything good from that what do you think ?