When to get blood work

Hello everyone tomorrow I will be 15dpo, I’ve taken a couple of test recently that have been BFN. I thought AF was coming but nope, nothing. When can I ask for blood work?

I’ve had an ectopic pregnancy so I’m more worried about that

Thank you

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Posted at
My doctor allowed me to have a blood test once i was about 10 days late and still negative (i have PCOS )


Posted at
You usually ask for bloodwork after you’ve received a positive test. With just a late period, they usually have you wait a few weeks, simply because you might be off on your ovulation (it happens even with the most regular of cycles). At just 15DPO, I wouldn’t jump the gun with bloodwork just yet, especially if you’re getting negatives. You might just be off by a few days. Even an ectopic usually shows up on a home test with HCG.


Posted at
i don’t see why a doctor would give you bloodwork if your tests are negative. and an ectopic would still give you a positive test so i think you’re good.