Once again

I literally cannot Anymore I send my “mom “ a meme jokingly & what a mistake that was she immediately goes and starts body shaming me mind you the meme was never supposed to sound like how she went and made it sound it’ was a picture of a dog saying he’s cold in Spanish like me telling her I’m cold it was never that serious for her to automatically go off and say I’m fat like what does that even have to do with the meme ?????? Like

I should’ve known and not had done that cause I’m hurt by it like why is she always body shaming me for . What mom does that ??? It’s absurd to tell ur own daughter she’s fat every segond like she is literally pushing it and for what ? She just pushes me away from her every time I tried to make peace with her but it’s hard whne she constantly makes body jokes about me like I think that’s so fucked up . Makes me more depressed and makes me want to go anorexic . Even more . I just don’t understand . But at her age I should’ve known she wasn’t going to get my sense of humor But instead always going to tell me how I’m a pig … She is always so negative like it’s clearly she doesn’t love her self that she always being such a negative cruel person toward me like the other day I had gotten ready in forever did my makeup and everything and I’m really feeling it just literally looking my self In the mirror telling myself I’m beautiful and all whiles she’s there ( I don’t have a mirror so I have to go to her room and look at myself ) and she literally tells me this “ your so ugly dont hype something ur not “ in Spanish & I proceeded to tell her off on why is she being that way then my dad hears us fighting and asked my mom why I got mad and she literally gaslighted me like I’m so hurt at the way she is with me . I can’t believe my own mother harms me with her negative like y’all tell me this is not normal of her ???? Am wrong for feeling this way ??? Also I’ve cutted my self once because In her own words she told me she wish she hadn’t had me . And I’m staring to feel suicidal again because of my own parents .