When do kids no longer need nap time?

So I had my son in 2021, so hes just about 2, and he's always been a great sleeper. He never fought naps or bed time or anything. He loved sleeping.

Lately however he wakes up around 3 or 4 in the morning and he's ready to go play. He crys till I go into his room and then he gets up in his crib. And he's just excited and to ready to play and isn't tired anymore. I usually have to sit with him for about an hour to get him to calm down from his extictment, give him another bottle of milk, play some bedtime lullabys, and then he finally goes back to bed.

This has happened for a couple weeks now and I'm not sure what to do anymore.

It's not like we put him to bed that early. His bedtime is 8:30 but some times it's closer to 9 by they time he's in bed.

He usually goes to for his naps around 1 in the afternoon and he'd sleep till 4 but lately I've been waking him at 3. (That's only a 2 hour nap) I thought maybe he was sleeping to long at nap time and that's why he's always up in the morning. But that hasn't made any difference. Should I not give him a nap anymore? He seems too young to not have a nap anymore but I hate getting up in the morning because he's not sleepy anymore.

Anyone have some advice? Should I maybe just let him sleep for an hour at nap time instead of 2?