Chest pains

Disclaimer: I (33F) have already been evaluated for, and had ruled out, anything related to active heart damage.

I’ve been having intermittent chest pain. The first day it happened, it woke me very early in the morning, radiated from under my sternum up into my jaw, and caught my breath. Due to my family’s rampant medical history of very early onset heart disease (first heart attacks in their early 30s and 40s, often passing in their 50s) I chewed an aspirin and was evaluated at the nearest ER. Heart attack has been ruled out. Five days later, I continue to experience mild tightness and discomfort with intermittent bouts of increased pain. I haven’t identified any correlations or patterns yet.

I’m following up with my doctor, but was curious about ideas others may have. I won’t go into details, but I have a lengthy history of addressing anxiety and digestive issues, and am confident my chest pain is very unlikely to be related to anxiety, reflux, or tendon/ligament/muscle/bone injury.

So, what else could cause chest pain?

Thank you for your insights!