Baby name


Just wondering if anyone has ever had trouble with family accepting your new baby’s name. It’s like a “known secret” that my family doesn’t seem to like the name my husband and I chose for our 1month old. I never thought it would affect me but even my dad is choosing nicknames that come off borderline rude and almost as making fun of the name. They have never done this before with my oldest so I’m really thrown off. Some of them have even decided to act as if his middle name was his first and I get it it’s still part of his name but not his first name and you’ll think you want the first name to be used… for hindsight his name is Jackson my husband loves it and after 8 months on thinking it grew on me and as much as I look at the baby his face to me doesn’t match with anything else but Jackson. Thanks for reading… I’m starting to wonder if my feelings are valid or not .